Some stones best left unturned

Some stones best left unturned
February 24 - April 1 2023

Meghan Harder
Toru Otani

The phrases "no stone left unturned" and "some stones best left unturned" have been used for centuries, and their origins are not entirely clear. However, they have both become idioms in the English language and have been used in various contexts throughout history.

The phrase "no stone left unturned" is often associated with military campaigns, where commanders would order their troops to search every nook and cranny in the battlefield to ensure that no enemy soldiers or resources were left behind. It has also been used in scientific and academic settings, where researchers are encouraged to explore every possible avenue to achieve a breakthrough or discovery.

The phrase "some stones best left unturned" has been used in a variety of contexts, including literature, politics, and personal relationships. It can be traced back to at least the 16th century, and it has been used by writers such as William Shakespeare and Sir Francis Bacon. In more recent times, it has been used in management and business contexts, where executives are encouraged to avoid taking unnecessary risks or pursuing courses of action that could lead to negative consequences.

 Both phrases can be used to emphasize the importance of careful consideration and decision-making, and to encourage artists to weigh the potential benefits and risks of different techniques and methods before proceeding.

Toru Otani
Plateau where tombstones fall,
45” x 11” (115 x 28 cm)
Ink, color pencil on abrasive paper

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